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Guest Post

DevSecCon: Your Boss Needs No Convincing

February 19, 2019

Daniel Cuthbert

If you are still pondering about whether to join us at DevSecCon Singapore – why not take a look at reasons to attend by Daniel Cuthbert, member of the DevSecCon committee and an active member of the DevSecOps community:

“Shifting left”

Even if you have been living in a place with no Internet, or indeed any comms, for the last decade, you can’t have escaped the relentless push of getting security back into the fold. The Internet and technology are intertwined with our lives, and as such, we have to start producing resilient and secure technology. A huge part of this is ensuring we think about security at the start, along with all the other elements of development process.

But where do you start?

You’d be forgiven by thinking you could just buy a tool or a service and be done with it, but that world doesn’t exist, no matter what any vendor tells you. No, what’s needed is an ongoing journey of enlightenment of tools, processes, learning and awareness.

This is where DevSecCon comes in. It’s a meeting point of like-minded people who are trying to answer a very hard question of ‘how do you make stuff more secure?’
Over two days, you drink from the firehose of solid security engineering, spoken by those doing it, fighting and winning and sharing those experiences.

Unlike other conferences who barely scratch the surface, DevSecCon goes deep and you’ll find yourself walking away with ideas you can use the next day. Anyone responsible for security in their development lifecycle should see this as a huge win, because it kinda is.

More reasons to attend…

Do you still need to hear more reasons why to attend DevSecCon? I thought I’d share a ‘starter for 10’ on why I think it will be a great thing to do!

  1. You will hear about the most strategic, forward-thinking security strategies & threats
  2. Fantastic networking opportunities to see what other people/companies are doing/facing in the marketplace
  3. Understand where to best focus your time and your company’s efforts
  4. Learn from some of the best DevSecOps experts in the world
  5. It will help drive your professional growth
  6. Great practical workshops to get in depth experience that you can take back to your company
  7. Understand how we can proactively protect against increasingly advanced and sophisticated attacks, by building security into the development and DevOps process
  8. Learn how to leverage new technologies to help manage our security risks
  9. Hear about the successes and failures from other companies implementing DevSecOps within their organisations
  10. ‘Free’ food and drinks 🙂

Let me know any I’ve missed and hope to see you there!

Daniel Cuthbert

Global Head of Security Research at Santander

About Daniel Cuthbert

Daniel Cuthbert is the Head of Security Research for a global financial institution. With a career spanning over 20 years on both the offensive and defensive side, he’s seen the evolution of hacking from a small groups of curious minds to organised criminal networks and nation state we see today.  He is the original co-author of the OWASP Testing Guide, released in 2003 and now the co-author of the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and sits on both the Blackhat Review Board and the Blackhat Training Board.


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